*The Dress-up Drawer...is giving away one of her fantasitic capes...the winner gets a custom made cape for theie little super hero..
*Little Gumdrops...the giveaway is a orange cotton fabric with happy yellow ducks on on side and a yellow minky fabric on the other..ahh how your baby would love this little blanket..

*Broken Hallelujah..dont miss this one..the giveaway is a hand made, high quality custom pair of Charcoal Mary Jane slippers...who doesnt like to keep their feet warm in a fashionable manner...

*Bekima Knits..this is soooo my favorite! the give away is for a Frosted Double PomPom baby hat..it is knit in a creamy white 100% baby alpaca yarn, square hate with poofy double pompoms.....this shop has the greatest things for you baby..good luck!

*MaKC Creations...the giveaway is for the cutest Purse for your child...Strawberry Shortcake Doodle Purse, a large purse that holds 8x11 coloring book and crayons

*Picnic Basket Crafts...the give away is for a 4oz bottle of spray.."Its all about Down to Earth Decadence!" Creating eco friendly, decadent product for your body, home and baby at resonable prices..dont miss out on this!

Good luck to you...the drawing for these giveaways are on Feb 2, so get on over there before its too late!